Thursday, March 15, 2012

Disney on Ice

In an effort to avoid paying an obscene amount of money on airfare and tickets to Disney Hell (Land/World), Garth and I took Lucy to Disney on Ice.

I was able to dangle this blessed, glittery, princess event over Lucy's little (angelic?) head for a few days. But that bribery only worked about 1/2 the time. The other 1/2 of the time, Lucy- as stubborn as she is and as much of a push over that I am, still got her way. By that I mean, she still slept in our bed, wore her swimsuit in March, and had two pieces of LicLish (licorice for those who don't speak "Lucifer").

So, the day arrived. After hours (okay not hours) of trying to get Lucy to take a nap (in her room) we finally gave up, dressed up (Lucy dressed herself, of course) and headed to the wonderful (mini) world of Disney.

From the minute we walked into the Ice Arena, Lucy was in awe. I don't think her mouth closed for 3 hours. She was in her Disney Mecca. It was priceless. Okay not priceless. It was fucking expensive. Let me break it down for you.

3 tickets: $72.00
Princess Crown: $16
Ariel Necklace: $12
Blinking Disney Wand: $10
Snow Cone: $12

Lets review. Bad seats for $72. Plastic Crown (I think we had a few at home already) $16. Ariel necklace (made of tin) $12. By the way, this necklace only got stuck in her hair 100 times. Bright, blinding light $10. This light could make anybody with a seizure disorder completely loose it. Trust me. Finally. Ice and Food coloring (snow cone) $12. Yes. It was in a beautiful? Tinkerbell cup. But. It was snowing outside. I could have made a snow cone for free. Bull. Shit. All. Of. It.

All in all, Disney (Hell) Land could be cheaper. Maybe?

Lucy with her friends- Madelyn and Brayden. Oh. And. All of their Disney Loot.

Lucy and the Epileptic Blinking Light. Don't worry the headache was free, but the Tylenol was NOT provided.

The $12 ice and food coloring. Otherwise known as- the SNOW CONE.

This face made it all worth it. I think.

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