Friday, January 27, 2012

Dear Jilly

My little sister and I have been working on working out our shit. We have put somethings behind us. Talked some shit out. And pretended some ugly shit never happened. Its what works for us. Don't judge.

She is growing up and learning that life is full of shit, and even though she can pretend our shit isn't there, she is appreciating that some shit happens and can be suffocating. I'm here to tell her, keep your head above water. Your legs might get tired from treading for hours, days, weeks, months, but you're a good swimmer- it will all be okay.

Hold tight to your iron rod. Remember to eat healthy. Exercise often. Go to class. Work. Save money for a rainy day. Study hard. Love harder. And appreciate all that is good. Be good to the people who are good to you. Be good to the assholes too, it will make you a better person. You can always hate them secretly and use voodoo to your benefit, when no one is looking.

Stay Glam and keep your chin up. Loves you. So does Lucy. And Hudson.

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