Friday, July 20, 2012

My Serenity Prayer

My heart goes out to those affected by the horrible tragedy in Colorado. It is hard to swallow the ugliness that surrounds us everyday. May we all stand strong in embracing the beauty that does still remain. With that said.

As I gaze out the window of my NYC hotel suite, I wonder first, where the nearest exit is, and second, how so many people can be in one place at one time; completely un-effecting each other. But creating such an impact. As total strangers.

This visit with my mother, grandmother, and sister has opened my eyes to patience. And my need to improve on this. As evidenced by me cussing out the taxi cab driver who would not pick me up in the rain. Asshole.

Please. God.
Grant me me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (my little sister's (republican) political views),
The courage to change the things I can (my patience in the way I react- towards everyone in my path, despite their political stand),
And the wisdom to know the difference (that just because Jillian and I don't always see eye to eye on things, I still love her. And enjoy having her apart of my life).

I hope to live one day at a time. Enjoying one moment at a time.

I never know when someone I love may be taken from me. Or if Jillian loudly professing her feelings in song will be my last.

I love you little sis. GeGe, you have affected my life more then you will ever know, or proudly accept. Mom- you are my best friend. With you, there are no more words. Loves.

For everyone else. I know I need to be more patient, and kind, and less sarcastic, and less judgmental, and so much more. I recognize my faults and imperfections. I am working on all of them. Hang in there with me. I need your love and support (so I don't loose my cool and tell everyone what I really think). Thank you. For everything.

Peace and love.

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