Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ghetto Spooky

A few weeks ago my good friend Keri, who happens to also be the health unit coordinator for my ICU, asked me and big daddy G to check out a Haunted Bed and Breakfast she had heard about. With G's birthday in October and us always looking for an excuse to get a baby sitter and disappear- we were all in. I didn't really ask Keri much for details. That was a mistake.

Keri made all the arrangements, I just handed her my credit card. I figured she had her shit handled. Its basically what she does for a living. She is a COORDINATOR. Hello. Duh. Yeah. Uh. Huh.

Anyways. I took some time off of work last weekend and we left the kids with enough food and water to last the weekend. We were anxious, but excited to get away. G is usually up for anything. I, however; am a scardey cat who is afraid of her own shadow. SO.  I was anxious. G was ready for a cocktail.

Twitter post @mamaschuey: On my way to a haunted mansion for a romantic getaway with big daddy. I hope the ghosts like my new lingerie. #imafraidofthedark.

We met up with our party of friends to start our spooky weekend. Our 4 couples basically booked the whole haunted mansion. This mansion, and it's ghosts had no clue what they were in for. And apparently, neither did we.

This place was beautiful. Beautifully restored, manicured, and maintained. Ghosts and all. But the ghosts weren't as spooky as the location of this beautiful, haunted mansion. No one mentioned it was smack in the middle of the Milwaukee Ghetto. I bet you all the ghosts that haunted this mansion actually died on the streets out front.

The good sports we are, we figured it couldn't be as bad as it looked. The place was packed with people. And by people, I mean none of them looked dangerous enough to offer me drugs or try to shank me. They didn't even offer us real alcohol. It seemed harmless. Really.

Twitter post @mamaschuey: I guess these ghosts are Mormon. Huh. Who knew? #imthirsty.
We toured the mansion and all its spooky beauty before we were forced to endure a live production of a dinner theatre that was meant to reenact Sherlock Holmes and his trusty sidekick Watson. What really happened resembled more of a bad PBS special on Sherlock Holmes and old London, England. If Mitt Romney caught wind of this act, he would for surely pull all funding. Just saying. Hokey. But a real nice theatrical college try.

Since the night was young and G was getting older by the minute, there was no booze, and no real ghost sighting, we all decided to head downtown for a good time. Forgetting our ghetto location, while sitting outside discussing our new plan- many people reminded us that we shouldn't hang out on the street.

Smarter then the rest of my friends, I decided to hail a cab. You cant really hail a cab in the ghetto. So I used my iPhone to track one down. Smart.

While in our 20 minute, expensive cab ride out of the ghetto and towards the promise land of alcohol and college kids, the cabbie insisted that we not try to walk home but call him back for a safe ride. Very nice of him. The conversation went a little like this..,

Garth : "So I shouldn't walk down the street at all?"
Travis (Keri's man): "Not even me? For a quick smoke?"
Cabbie: Looking at G and Travis, "Maybe for a quick- no. Not even you. You smoke on the porch!"

G getting the low down lecture from our trustee Pakistani cabbie. Can you say BFF?
Unsure if I should laugh or cancel my reservation, I decided to get drunk instead. That way. I figured I would snore through any attack by ghosts or gang members. Win. Win.

Not. Back in our gorgeous Victorian bed and breakfast suite, I started to hear unfamiliar sounds. Scared. I wouldn't use the mirror riddled bathroom or leave the bed- fear of the lava eating ghost monsters. I laid in bed, trying to sleep through the scratching and pounding sounds that would turn out to be just Travis- being an asshole. Mind you, G did nothing to protect me. In fact, he pushed me towards the side of the bed closest to the ghostly sounds. LOVE.

Hung over and exhausted the next day, we all gathered around the dark Edgar Allen Poe themed breakfast chamber for bad coffee and french toast. We all shared the spooky happenings of our nights: some of us got lucky, some of us got spooked. Others slept like shit. It was money well spent. Really.

Happy 37th birthday to my handsome husband. I love you. But next time, you get to sleep by the ghosts.

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