Friday, November 11, 2011

Another kind of day....

As I mentioned before, I am a full time mom and a part time nurse. Today, I was a nurse. I worked a 12 hour shift in the ICU of our small Wisconsin town. It's a smaller, rural hospital, however; we really do amazing things, change lives, and work to make a difference- everyday. Today was no different. I spent my day, side by side with other great nurses, taking care of very sick people. I love my job. But.... What is hard is a long day of caring for strangers, then BAM- walking in my house to find my kids needing me, for ANYTHING.

I walked into my house, expecting this night to be no different. Someone whining, crying, or needing something IMMEDIATELY. I was pleasantly surprised. Tonight was different!!! The kids were fed dinner, and it was cleaned up! Hudson was ready for bed, in a nighttime diaper and EVERYTHING. Kane had his chores done and was quietly tinkering on his IPod. The house was calm, inviting, and well... didn't look like, feel like, smell like, or seem like MY house. My husband had even opened a bottle of my favorite red wine, with a glass ready for me! This was fantastic.

As I sat down, next to my husband on the couch, and asked about his day (all while sipping a great glass of wine) I thought- WOW, this is such a nice way to come home. I wondered when the other shoe would drop, but remained optimistic.

And then it happened....

Garth, immediately began talking about the upcoming hunting season and his needs from me in regards to child care and when and how long he would be gone- off hunting and gathering with the other men in our family. I hate talking about hunting. Hunting season always sneaks up on me.

Hunting season is made up of Garth running off to some remote area, unreachable by phone. It usually affects my work schedule or breaks up our days with AM hunting and early PM scouts. I have no interest in hunting. I don't want to go with him, I don't want to talk about it, and I don't want to rearrange my schedule to accommodate it.

I didn't even get through half of my glass of wine before Garth could tell that I was bored with his hunting conversation. This was followed by him making comments, most likely negative, under breath. Oh well. I don't make him listen to me about my latest shopping trip- lets be fair.

Oh yeah and then Lucy came to sit by me... This is when I realized, she had not had a bath.... This is what she looked like.

If you notice from my post from yesterday- She hasn't changed her clothes, her hair is greasy, and her face is covered in something, I don't know what.  Oh and did I mention, she HATES washing her hair, bathing a lion is easier.

Guess I better put down my sweet, glorious glass of wine and give my beautiful daughter a bath- before she ends up with dreadlocks or another stain on her favorite Dora the Explorer Dress.

Wait for me, I will be back....

On a positive note, Garth did tell me, when he could tell I was irritated, the he had a fun day with the little kids at the local Children's Museum. Here was his proof. This did bring a smile to my face...

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