Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lucy the Lion

The saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" has new meaning in our house. Let me explain.

Spring has sprung. The frozen tundra has melted. Flowers are blooming. Birds are chirping. And, if you drive by my house you can hear the sweet sound of 3 1/2 year old temper tantrum. Yes. It is so sweet.

With spring comes open windows and the smell of freshly cut grass. Awwww. It also brings the pathetic stares of my neighbors, as they witness a diabolical melt down from my daughter.

It's true. She is like an atomic bomb. Everyone in a 50 feet radius is effected. The American Red Cross should send in re-enforcement and first aid.

She changes her clothes 100 times a day. Never happy with her (my) choice of ensemble. She takes toys from her little brother. Throws rocks at the neighbor boy. Who is much bigger, by the way. Her cries quickly turn into screams when she doesn't get her way. She slams her bedroom door- repeatedly.

This awful attitude is spilling over at school too. Today, Miss Deanna told me that she had to move Lucy's bus to the back. Whatever. This kid doesn't need to her bus moved. She needs a dose of her own medicine. Moving her bus. Please. Like that will teach her.

I'm loosing my mind. Maybe I should just close my windows so that the neighbors can't hear the screams. From both Lucy. And me.

I believe that a lion loose from the zoo would do less harm. I have hopes that a little lamb will appear where the lion (Lucy) once was.

I could always just cage my lion. Just like at the zoo. Huh.

Note to self. Google- lion cages.

Wish me luck.

peace and love,

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