Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week in Review

I had a rough week this week. Lucy was a spiral of crazy. My graduate stats final was due. Garth worked a hell week- Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I gained 4 pounds. Definitely from stress. Or, the extra margaritas I drank? Anyways. By the time the weekend rolled around, I wasn't ready for my other job. But, the ICU was waiting for me...

Here is my week. In review.

Monday: Big G started his work week. Lucy refused to wake up for school and screamed the whole way there. Awesome. I went to the gym and was punished for my weekend of breaking my diet.

Tuesday: G was home. But crabby from a long day/night at work. Helpful. The weather was great. I rode my bike to the gym. Had my ass burned in body pump and then, rode back home. We toured a 4k for Lucy. Lucy ran around like a banshie while I tried to convince the teacher that Lucy was a sweet, well behaved child. Of God. As if I hadn't had enough from my little banshie, I took her on a mommy/daughter walk to get ice cream. Yeah. Right. If Lucy was the ice cream cone. She melted. Into a hot mess. I was not embarrassed. At all.

Wednesday: G back at work. Me against the kids. Lucy got a great report from school. Now, go back and reread that last sentence and replace great with awful. Got it? Good.

Thursday: I ran like hell when my girlfriends invited me shopping and out to lunch (wine). An afternoon without temper tantrums, whining, or watching 'The View' in my pjs. Hell yes.

Friday: Lucy. Aw Lucy. That's all I really have to say. However, I did get to spend some time (drinking margaritas) with my friend Jen. Even though I (we) worked on the stats final I (we) had due the next day. I never procrastinate. Ever.

Saturday: My dutiful return to the ICU. Busy day. Achy legs and back. I did have a great surprise waiting for me at home. Garth bought me an iPad. The iPad I am currently blogging from. Love. It.

Sunday: Potluck at work. I made an egg bake. For those of you who don't know what an egg bake is. It's eggs. Baked. Very Wisconsin. While enjoying egg bake, banana bread, and fresh fruit, I sought advice from the women I work with about how to cope-deal-survive with Lucy. I received great advice on how to manage the shameful spiral with my little Tasmanian devil. Thanks Monica, for helping me feel like less of a lunatic with skittles for brains. After work, we had family night at my parents. Fun, back walk overs (don't ask) sarcasm, and wine was enjoyed. I received an awesome sewing package from my favorite aunt Darlene. Thank you! But, next time. Instead of sending me a pretty princess pattern for Lucy, could you please send a pattern for a straight jacket? Thanks.

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