Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dear Kane,

Dear Kane,
Today you turn 14. Happy Birthday, son. It is hard for me to believe that it was 6 years ago that you, me, and dad became a family. Who knew that we would be where we are today? We have done a lot and been through a lot as a family, and I am very lucky to be apart of all it.

As I sit here, drinking coffee in quiet (hiding from Hudson and Lucy), I am reflecting on not only the past year, but our lifetime as a family together. When I met your Dad, you were a very tiny, little, just 8 year old, who was talkative and energetic. Not much about all that has changed. You are still scrawny, just a little taller. And, well. You never shut up. You have all the energy I could ever dream of. I hope you stay that way forever.

Lets see. You have been busy in the past year...
You started, and (barely, wink, wink) finished 8th grade.
You played soccer, and scored a goal!
You experienced your first love.
You had your heart broken by your first love.
You got to stay out until midnight for curfew, once or twice without permission.
You helped celebrate Hudson and all the life he brings to the Schuey clan.
You have been best friends with Sam, the neighbor boy.
You spend most of your free time riding your bike or hanging at the pool, with Sam.
You received a life changing medical diagnosis, and you are coping with it. I am proud of you for that. Always remember, it isn't the cards you are dealt that defines you, its how you deal with the cards that makes you who are you.
You broke a few rules, and spent some time being grounded. But that made you spend time with the family and build forts with your little brother and sister. They love you so much. Always remember to be a good role model for them.
You still love your grandma and grandpa Schuey, and you tell them often. That is a beautiful quality. Don't ever change that.
You are learning that a sense of humor is not always about delivering a punch line, but taking a joke. Hang in there. Your dad is NEVER going to stop joking with you. Neither am I.

You bring a lot of love and laughter to our home. You keep us on our toes. Being a teenager isn't easy. I remember. Your dad and I want nothing but the best for you.

As the summer winds to an end, you are preparing for more challenges and life experiences in High School. As a freshman. Good luck with that :) All joking aside, it is going to be tough. But your dad and I, and everyone else who loves you, are all here for you. We know you can do it.

So. Here is some advice, from someone who successfully made it through high school, and college...

-Don't pick on the big kids if you cant fight back. Trust me, your witty words are nothing against their big fists.
-Be on time to all your classes, and always turn in your homework. You dad and I have high expectations. You should too.
-Being the class clown isn't always the "cool thing." Try being the quiet, respectful, and kind boy- girls dig that. Trust me.
-Be nice to all the girls. ALL OF THEM. Open their doors and compliment them. Just do it. Trust me.
-Shower every day. Brush your teeth, and wear clean socks. Please.
-Play sports.
-Try new classes, learn what you like.
-Study hard. And then, study harder. You need good grades to get into a good college and move out of my house someday!
-Keep your locker, and your life organized. It will help keep you calm. You perform better when you are calm.
-Remember to pick good friends. Don't ever allow yourself to be guilty by association.

And. Finally. Remember that just because you have Tourettes, it doesn't mean that you can't do something. You can do anything. And your dad and I are here to help you. Take this year to learn about responsibility and accountability. Learn to take control of yourself, your actions, and your words. Make it a goal to never blame anyone for anything. A good tip to remember is- you can't control what other people say and do, you can only control how you react. No one likes excuses. They will get you no where. Be the exception to the rule.

~Do unto others as you would have others do unto you~
Matthew 7:12

Happy Birthday Kane. We love you- always,

Dad and (step) Mom

P.S. I promise to remember the ice cream cake.

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