Monday, November 21, 2011

Dont Eat the Renal Lasagna

Alternative title for this blog- She will be a a virgin forever without nipples....

This afternoon, my mom and I drove down to  Milwaukee to pick my little sister up from the airport. It was like Jillian (my sister) had never moved away and no time had passed. I believe the direct quote was, ".....I'm back..."

The three of us immediately began yelling, fighting for attention and the right to speak- and be heard.  We shared itunes, apps, and funny stories. We fought over what to eat for dinner. My mom, voting for some left over lasagna she had made, Jillian wanting Caesar salad, and me wanting ANYTHING my mom didn't make.

We sang along to the radio (CeeLo Green, Paul McCartney, Taylor Swift) and we all complained about how long the drive was. Hungry and bored from our 1 hour long journey home, we arrived at my parent's to find my dad, my husband, and my three kids- all waiting to welcome "cousin Jillian" (remember, its a long story).

Some of us ate my mom's homemade "renal" lasagna, Jillian- a vegetarian did not. We made cookies, and spent time together- as a family.

Lucy brought out her barbies. One of which is one of my mom's barbies from when she was a little girl. You can only imagine the hideousness of a forty something old barbie that has been played with by 3 generations. Anyways, my mother, in all her class and glory, kept calling it the "virgin" barbie. My husband, without missing a beat, snapped back with-

"...Well yeah, she will be a virgin forever, without nipples..."

The house was filled with love and laughter. Something, I know that my mom has longed for- for a long time. She would love nothing more than, for all three of her kids, and the rest of her family to  "bucket" at her house for the week and for the holiday.  I think tonight was a perfect example of what the holidays represent. Making memories, spending time together in the moment, and being taken back with laughter. I look forward to the rest of my little sis's visit here to Wisconsin.

 Lucy loved all the presents that Jillian brought her. Lucy and Jillian are evening having their first slumber party- Lucy style, with a little Jillian flare. I hope they have fun!

I hope they get some sleep. I hope everyone sleeps well, after eating that lasagna.

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