Friday, November 18, 2011

That was an accident...

Today, I found out that I was accepted into a Graduate School Program that I had been waiting to hear back from for about 2 months now. This is how I celebrated, and this is who I celebrated with.
I walked in the door this morning, after running a few errands, to find my husband in the kitchen. He looked like he had been waiting inpatiently. He quickly said, "Lucy says she has a belly ache and I believe her. She just went to the bathroom and she has the runs. Okay, Im leaving to go hunting, call you when I can." With a quick kiss- he was off.

Within minutes I heard Lucy running to bathroom, the whole time yelling. "I have to gooooooo potttttty!" Lucy and I met in the bathroom. She was sitting on the toliet, her soiled underwear on the floor, and a small pile of, well, you can guess what, right next to her underwear.

She looked up at me, holding her belly, and whined, "Im sorry mama, that was an accident."
This was a perfect foreshadowing of what the rest of my day would be like.

Dont get me wrong, I spent a good part of the day snuggled up on the couch, downloading books to my Kindle and watching cartoons. However, my little girl was sick. She spent most of her day running back and forth from the bathroom and trying to convience me that she wasnt sick.

You see, Lucy, despite feeling like $4!& (literally), really wanted to go spend the day at the Children's Museum. I was not about to risk her "having an accident" on the slide at the museum, no matter how good her argument was.

A few "accidents" later, a load of laundry, a little gatorade, and a lot of snuggles- Lucy finally forgot about the Children's Museum, and we are now getting ready to eat popcorn and watch TinkerBell for the 1001th time. But who is keeping count?

Anyways, thanks for celebrating with me!

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