Monday, January 9, 2012

TV, Food, and Sex

This might sound like the hierarchy of needs for the male race, but keep reading.

I recently read an [study] article, albeit it was in COSMO, but it was an [study] article non the less. This [study] article was discussing the bad habits of women and how to avoid them in the new year. Basically, it was COSMO's challenge to women for 2012. It was ridiculous. I know that the majority of the demographic reading COSMO is either too young to be reading it, too horny, or has nothing better to do since they are not getting laid at all- but, seriously???

1. Women who eat their meals and/or snacks in front of the TV tend to eat 40% more food in a day than those who don't watch TV.
-Personally, I love to watch TV and eat food. I guess I am doomed.

2. 20 ways to make your hot bath hotter. This obviously went on to discuss turning your man on (cause we need to do more of that) and SEX.
-Personally, I love a hot bath. I don't need help making it hotter. I always come out looking like a lobster. And when I draw baths for my kids, they squeal like lobsters. I'm good.

3. Make small, achievable resolutions for 2012......[like] Wear earrings every day, or make a dream board, or utilize your daily commute by listening to a friend's indie play list.
-Personally, my [small] achievable goals would look more like: wake up and get dressed, everyday. make my bed. find my missing earring, the one my son or dog probably swallowed. clean off (out) my fridge [my life board]. as far as music goes- anything not big time rush or Nickelodeon, bring it on.

So anyways, I guess I should turn off my TV (computer) and have sex with my husband.

Thanks COSMO.

1 comment:

  1. Cosmo articles are *awesome. One month they'll tell you your boyfriend is awesome because he gets you gifts all the time. The next month, if your boyfriend gets you gifts all the time, he's cheating. Le sigh.

    I remember reading cosmo in high school and thinking that all the contributors and people who wrote in about embarassing stories were so OLD... HA!

    Love ya,
    *Awesome= Entertaining, ridiculous, mind numbing, hilarious
