Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who Doesn't Like To Go Down On A Corndog?

After over hearing a phone conversation between two of my favorite people (hello J and T)- them mostly arguing over the diet habits of their children and T, I sat down and looked through the local paper for coupons for my week of meal planning (don't ask- it's the ex-Mormon in me). When J got off the phone with T, rolling her eyes and laughing, we started to talk about corn dogs.

The conversation led to me saying, "I have a confession to make, I enjoy going down on a good corn dog every now and then." J gasped, and quickly said- "ME TOO!!!! My favorite part is the outside."

Laughing, "Lucy peals off the outside of her and shares it with me," I giggle.
"Mady does the same thing!!!!"

Continuing to laugh in our similarities, we shared the coupon ads and enjoyed one last energy drink of the night while finishing some charting at work.

You see I spent the first 3 years of my adult life (as a mom) strictly forcing myself and my family to adhere to a rigid diet. One that was high in organic, natural produce, and low in anything else. I was in the best shape of my life, but my kids (and my husband) longed for flexibility and some Red Food Color #40.

When I was pregnant with Hudson, I fell off the organic wagon- HARD. I mean, the wagon tipped, and rolled down the hill, into a huge pond of Blue #2, mixed in with a little Yellow #5, and oh yeah- Red #40. I craved anything and everything. Before I new it I was enjoying things I hadn't had since I was a little girl. I even had a Slurpee.

Anyways, I'm getting off track. All this talk about healthy foods, and my recent return to the gym and my strict diet, got me thinking, er *judging* the moms who wont let their kids even breath artificiality. I have learned to relax my ways and enjoy the *finer* things in life. Will a little moderation kill anybody??? My kids are forced to eat their veggies, drink at least one glass of milk a day, fruit for snacks, but you know what???? Tonight, I brought my Lucy a treat home. A bag of Red and Blue popcorn from the open house we had at work today. She was thrilled, and you know what??? She is just fine. She didn't grow an extra arm or a third eye. Her lips may be stained blue, but hey- a third eye would suck worse. Will her having a special treat, or ice cream for breakfast when no one is looking, affect who she becomes when she is 30? No. I think teaching your children "moderation" and healthy habits is way more important.

My mom always told me that my siblings and I grew up on Kool-Aid, Cheerios, and Otter Pops, and potatoes from a box (we don't have anyone in the family with any extra limbs, or permanently stained lips). Sorry mom, your secret is out- "POTATOES" OUT OF A BOX ARE NOT POTATOES, and probably don't even count as a vegetable.

So as I blog my opinion and finish my Monster Energy drink (Yellow #5), I encourage everyone to chill out with me, and enjoy a good corn dog- they are are on sale 2/$6 at Pick 'N Save. If you need a coupon, holla back, this mama will hook you up.

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