Monday, April 9, 2012

Jagged Little Pill

Recently, my best friend welcomed her 4th (beautiful) baby into the world. So. Missing her terribly since she moved away. I threw a few pair of underwear in my purse and hopped in the car. G and the kids and I embarked on the painfully long (5hr) drive to Iowa. Yes. We went on vacation to Iowa. With Alanis Morrisette blaring from my iPod, I ignored my kids in the backseat, rolled my windows down, and sang along.

Iowa. Was. Great. Small town loveliness. The minute I saw Cortney, I cried, and crawled into her hospital bed with her. Seeing her after a few months of separation was a flood of emotions. You have to understand, when she told me she was moving- I died inside. I cried for a week. I was a mess.

Anyways. I snuggled Cortney. And her perfect baby Samuel. I smelled his perfect skin. And made Cortney crazy by touching his perfect hair. She kept telling me I was making it greasy and less fluffy. All of Cortney's kids are born with great hair. And she knows it.

But. Of course every vacation must come to end. So after 3 days, 6 kids, 2 husbands, a lot of food, snacks and movies, it was time to take my dirty underwear, and my family, and travel the (flat) road back home. Another 5 hours. 5 hours of Alanis.

About 2 1/2 hours into our trip home, G looked over at me and asked, "can we listen to something else?" My mouth dropped. I was speechless. What. Was. He. Thinking? I stammered. "Uh. Okay. Like what?" That question led to 2 1/2 hours of searching Pandora and laughing. Laughing at the fact that G wanted to listen to Pearl Jam instead of singing along to Jagged Little Pill with me. You see. We all have the music that takes us back. Defines a time in our lives. Makes us smile. Cry. Dance. Jagged Little Pill is all of that to me. Those who really know me. Know why. That's all that really needs to be said.

Don't get me wrong. My husband singing every word to 'Jeremy' by Pearl Jam circa 1992 totally turned me on. But. While G was stealing cigarettes from his parents and rocking out to Pearl Jam in high school. I was in grade school. By the time I could appreciate Pearl Jam, it was retro.

So instead of playing 'where we're you when....?' let's play- what is your favorite album? What music takes you back in time? Makes you close your eyes and sway to the beat? Leave me a comment. Or a lyric. Whatever.

....Isn't is ironic? Don't you think?

Cortney, Lucy, baby Samuel, and his perfect hair.

1 comment:

  1. any thing journey gets me going. the old stuff and not so over played stuff. or DJ quik
